Complete Video Guide how to Solved Lenovo Dual sim not Working.
Watch carefully video if you do like this your problem will be solved.
How to Solve Lenovo dual Sim Not Working
1- Open Dialer From the Desktop of a mobile phone.
2- Dial a Secret Code * # * # 5448264 # * # *
3- Mobile will Restart.
4- Everything is done Check now Enjoy.Lenovo A916 Activate Both Sims
Whenever this one happen by the wrong flashing or after resetting the Lenovo mobile a916 both sims not active because there something happens wrong and setting gone wrong then needed to do the correct setting of the Lenovo mobile phone. Lenovo A916 activate both sims. by a simple code.
Lenovo A916 Dual Sim activation
If this will happen by wrong way of flashing or during the update this will happen don't worry this code will guide you and help you to reinstatement the mobile phone in original condition. Getting wrong and the mobile phone went on Dual Sim activation there is no need to reflash the mobile phone only use a code and everything will work like a charm.
Lenovo A916 Dual Sim activation code
IF the mobile is damaged and software corrupted no need to flash it if only happened Dual sim error, One sim is working and the 2nd sim is not working just to dial a code and everything done. Lenovo Dual Sim Not Working solved with simple code.
lenovo a916 dual sim code
No need to Flash if the Lenovo a916 dual sim code error happens this happens whenever reset the Lenovo or after flash the mobile phone Lenovo dual sim not working. if This problem happened just dial a Code * # * # 5448264 # * # * and both sims will work.